(Re)creating a work of art
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Real Estate Development
Real Estate Development
Jardins d’ El Rey is a company specialized in rehabilitation projects. We look for hidden gems with historic value and transform them into unique luxury apartments.
Our team has extensive experience in reinvigorating buildings, elevating the architectural features through façade restoration, the preservation of antique tiles, walls, and roofs.
The rehabilitation projects focus on providing innovation and comfort for the new owners, whilst maintaining the building’s identity and its integration with the surrounding public areas.
In First Title, we believe in sharing value and act as a responsible member of the community by upholding three main pillars:
In First Title, we believe in sharing value and act as a responsible member of the community by upholding three main pillars.
We respect nature and comply with environmental responsibility policies, namely in the use of sustainable resources and optimized waste management.
We manage our financial resources responsibly, making conscious investments, and accounting transparently.
We have partnerships to help advance social and economic conditions in the communities in which we operate.